Why learn from Nickolas Natali?

He went from $60K in debt to debt-free in 11 months and skyrocketed his net worth. He’s here to help you achieve your financial goals, starting today. Nickolas Natali is a habit-building and personal finance expert. Having paid off $60,000 of student loan debt in 11 months, Nickolas Natali now teaches others to do the same with his online program, Get Out of Debt Like a Maniac. In less than three years of becoming debt-free, Nick has skyrocketed his net worth to be in the 1% of the world for his age by using simple and practical budgeting strategies. Nick's successes in coaching and teaching come from his ability to break down seemingly complex finance tactics step by step, paint by numbers to-do’s ANYONE can apply. Today, Nickolas Natali runs a top-ranked podcast, The Nickolas Natali Show that has now been listened to in over 30 countries around the world. Whether your personal finances are a total disaster or you’re debt-free but need a path forward to achieve your financial goals, Nickolas Natali has you covered.
A man that can help you get out of debt

What Are People Saying About The Course?

"Paid Off $5K"

Mandy M.

"This course taught me everything I should've learned in school and more. Where was this when I was growing up? Also, I'm down $5K on my debt so far!"

"I Feel Confident Managing My Money"

Gio K.

"After taking this course I feel confident about managing my money and now understand the importance of getting out of debt and building wealth!"

"You Make Things Easy To Understand"

Jake G.

"You explain everything in such simple terms and make things easy to understand. This course is excellent."

Get Out of Debt Like a Maniac

The GOODLAM course covers everything you need to know about personal finance and money management, covering debt, budgeting, cutting expenses, credit & much more! Prepare to have step by step guidance on how to get out of debt and stay out of debt for good. Learn from Nickolas Natali, a habit building and personal finance expert, who paid off $60,000 of student loan debt in 11 months.

Working with you every step of the way

Each week Nick holds live group trainings where he answers any pressing questions you may have, and ensures you're on track to meeting your goal of being debt-free and financially smart. Nick designed these sessions as a way for you to hold yourself accountable and intentionally reflect on your finances. All sessions are recorded and sent straight to your email afterward.  This isn’t a webinar. Nick isn't there to talk at you the whole time. Nick provides real-time feedback and consultation on your financial journey.

Risk-free Guarantee

If you're not happy after completing the first four modules of learning content we'll give you your money back up to 90 days! We're confident that the information in this course will provide you the confidence to make wise financial decisions and kick off your financial freedom journey.

Are you ready to get your finances in check, but don’t know how to get started?

No sweat, I can help.

If you’re concerned about your student loan debt, the resolving debts on the credit cards you just can’t seem to pay off, your car payments, or just keeping the lights on, you’ve come to the right place. Finding yourself in rough financial waters doesn’t mean you’re a reckless spender, or that what you spent on isn’t valuable. The truth is loans, credit cards, payment plans, in fact the whole financial system is designed to help businesses make more money, and the terms used to do so aren’t designed with the your financial wellbeing in mind. It's not your fault, finances aren't a priority for the education system. It’s time you learned what’s going on with your money, so you make it work for you. Are you ready to start your financial journey toward financial freedom today?

What will this course do for you?

Nickolas Natali's GOODLAM course is designed to help you:

✅  Stop putting your financial well-being last

✅  Build confidence through gaining knowledge on practical money management strategies

 ✅  Stop spending time stressing over what to do with your money

✅  Stop feeling helpless about your finances

✅  Become your own financial champion

✅  Cultivate a healthy relationship with money

✅  Money-management knowhow

✅  Relieve the stress of financial uncertainty

✅  Understand how to meet your financial goals 

✅  Start creating a new financially wise life for you and your family

✅  Break the patterns of negative spending habits

The best time to learn how to manage your money was yesterday. The next best time is today.

Managing your finances isn't something you can push aside and deal with later—it’s a necessity and a priority. And if recent events have taught us anything, it’s that the world is unpredictable and you need to prepare for financial upheaval and be equipped to handle it, rather than pray to survive. You don’t want a life centered on surviving day to day and just ‘getting by’ financially. It's about THRIVING. When you master managing your personal finances you are in a position to build your life on a financially secure foundation. With the knowledge and skills, you learn in this course you're equipped to build a future that includes homeownership, travel, college tuition, retirement, and a diversified stock portfolio. A future where you THRIVE.


  • What Is The GOODLAM Course?

    Get Out of Debt Like a Maniac course is a step by step guide to help pay off debt, save for emergencies, and build wealth. You have the luxury of going through the GOODLAM course with other people by getting plugged into the GOODLAM community, or on your own with the on-demand videos and guided lessons.

  • Who Is The GOODLAM Course For?

    GOODLAM is for people who need help or want to do better with money! It has the content, tools and resources you need to reach your money goals faster with the primary focus on getting out of debt!

  • Does GOODLAM Help Me Even If I'm Not In Debt?

    Absolutely! With GOODLAM, you’ll learn all about the necessities for managing your money well. The emphasis is getting out of debt, however there is money content that is beneficial for all walks of life.

  • How Long Is The GOODLAM Course?

    GOODLAM, currently, is broken down into four sections ranging from 55 to 75 minutes each. More lessons will be added as time continues. You can go through the lessons at your own pace. If you purchase office hours you will also have an opportunity to ask questions! Office hours are once a week and are between 40 to 60 minutes in duration.

  • How Long Will I Have Access To The Course For?

    You'll have access to the course content forever. For the weekly live office hours archive, you will have access as long as you have an active subscription!

  • How Much Does The GOODLAM Course Cost?

    Get Out of Debt Like a Maniac course is a life-changing tool and that contains content that will help you take control of your money for good. Purchase the course early for only $249, including live weekly office hours! ($49/mo w/ the bundle!)

  • What ISN'T covered in this course?

    This course is all about getting out of debt and building wealth (budgeting, cutting expenses, debt, credit, index funds etc.). This doesn't include crypto currency, real estate, NFTs, etc.

Still Have Questions?