Get Out of Debt Like a Maniac weekly, live office hours! Your chance to ask Nickolas any money or life related questions. Meet new people and get plugged into a community of like minded individual who are on their way to becoming financially free.
Each week Nick holds live group trainings where he answers any pressing questions you may have, and ensures you're on track to meeting your goal of being debt-free and financially smart. Nick designed these sessions as a way for you to hold yourself accountable and intentionally reflect on your finances. All sessions are recorded and sent straight to your email afterward.
This isn’t a webinar. Nick isn't there to talk at you the whole time. Nick provides real-time feedback and consultation on your financial journey.
The Live Weekly Office hours is an optional add-on to the GOODLAM course. Join Nickolas live on Zoom every week for semi-private coaching sessions. If you have questions about personal finance or don't want to stop learning, this is the place to be!
When Are The Office Hours
They're live on Zoom every Tuesday at 5:30PM PST/8:30PM EST.
What Is Discussed During Office Hours?
Nick will answer a wide variety of questions, provide new content or discuss new information about content within the course, and ask trivia questions! It's always guaranteed to be a good time.
Is It OK If I Ask A Question During Office Hours?
YES! That is what Office Hours are for! You can submit your question ahead of time in the GOODLAM Facebook Group or ask during the Zoom meeting! This is the place to have your questions answered, so pick Nick's brain!
Do I Get Charged Every Month?
If you get the bundle, the first 90 days of office hours are free! If you get the monthly subscription, yes, but you can cancel any time. Who knows, one month may be plenty to learn everything you need!
If I Miss The office Hours Can I Watch The Recording?
Yes, you bet your bottom dollar. The recordings are saved and uploaded so you can watch them whenever you'd like! You'll even get access to all of the previous recordings since the conception of the office hours!
How Long Will I Have Access To The Video Archive For?
You'll have access to the office hours archives as long as you have an active subscription!
Who Are The GOODLAM Office Hours For?
GOODLAM is for people who want to do better with money !If you have questions about personal finance, the information in the course or simply don't want to stop learning, office hours are a great way to go!
Course curriculum
GOODLAM Weekly Office Hours
Welcome to the GOODLAM Weekly Office Hours Backlog! (Read For Access Instructions)
Privacy Announcement - MUST READ
GOODLAM Office Hours Video Archive
GOODLAM OFFICE HOURS - WEEK 1 - Budgeting for $37K In Student Loan Debt
GOODLAM OFFICE HOURS - WEEK 2 - Budgeting for $80K in Debt
GOODLAM OFFICE HOURS - WEEK 4 - Budgeting for $26K in Debt + Budgeting For Upcoming Expenses
GOODLAM OFFICE HOURS - WEEK 5 - Budgeting for $50K in Debt On $1500 Monthly Income
Office Hours Are Best Paired With The Full GOODLAM Course
If you're not happy after completing the first four modules of learning content we'll give you your money back up to one year! We're confident that the information in this course will provide you the confidence to make wise financial decisions and kick off your financial freedom journey.